Our clinic is based in Rockhampton

Who We Are

About Us

Welcome to CQ Respiratory Diagnostics. We offer Local, Person-centred, Expert and Comprehensive Respiratory and Sleep services to the Central Queensland area and beyond. Our accredited respiratory lab offers lung function tests performed and reported by local clinicians . Our in our clinic is based in Rockhampton.

Our clinicians collaborate with hospital and community-based health Services to offer patients a recovery journey that is as seamless as possible. Dr Koduri has admitting rights to the Mater and Hillcrest Hospitals and offers consulting services there. He offers Bronchoscopy and EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Lymph Node Biopsy services at the Mater Hospital for the investigation and management of thoracic lymphadenopathy and lung cancer.

Lung Function

Our accredited Lung Function Laboratory has highly trained technicians and state-of-the-art equipment to provide detailed and precise lung function measurements. Our lab is backed with medical and administration team support for efficient reporting turnaround time.

We provide all major tests including spirometry (with reversibility), Diffusing Capacity (TLco), Lung Volumes, FeNO, Maximal Respiratory Pressures, Bronchial Provocation test, and 6-minute walk assessments.


SMS reminders are sent 3 days prior to your appointment. Please text YES or NO or call 07 4887 5123 to confirm. If we fail to hear from you by 24 hours before your appointment, the appointment will be cancelled.

We ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment as there are some new patient forms that need to be completed. Alternatively, the below forms can be completed and emailed to reception@cqresp.com. This will need to be done before your appointment.

Frequently Asked


CQ Respiratory Diagnostics is not an emergency service. If you need urgent attention, please see your GP, attend your local Emergency Department or ring 000 based on the urgency.

Please provide a detailed referral from your GP, Specialist, Nurse Practitioner or other approved Practitioners which will allow your appointment to be prioritised appropriately. This refefral is required prior to your initial appointment to ensure that you receive a Medicare rebate for your appointment with the specialist. A referral from your GP lasts for 12 months and a referral form a specialist last for 3 months. After 12 months patients are required to get a new referral from their GP to continue to claim their Medicare rebate

Fees, Gap and Rebates

We are not a bulk-billing practice. Appointments need to be paid in full before you are able to receive any eligible Medicare rebates. A current GP or specialist referral is required for all doctors’ appointments and lung function tests to be eligible for Medicare rebates. Work medicals are usually paid by the employer and are not eligible for Medicare rebates.

The difference between the fee and the Medicare rebate is the “gap” or out of pocket cost for the appointment. Please ensure that your bank details are registered with Medicare prior to your appointment and that you fill in the clinic forms online or in person with up-to-date information so that our reception staff can claim the rebate for you and the rebate is usually deposited in your bank account in 24-48 hours.

Please contact the clinic so they can provide the estimation of the fee for the service you require. Please note that all requests for reports, letters, and form completions will incur costs. A quote for the service will be provided at the time of the request. We accept the following methods of payment – EFTPOS / credit card facilities and cheques.

If you have a WorkCover claim, written approval from your Case Manager is required, and they will need to email this to: reception@cqresp.com. If we haven’t received written approval from WorkCover at your appointment, you’ll need to pay for the consultation and seek reimbursement from WorkCover.

Please note that there are administrative charges for releasing any reports to a third party based on your information-sharing requests, other than the AMA who would have received the report. The assessment will be for the current employer’s AMA and the job role you are employed in. A new assessment will be necessary if there is a change of employment or in the job role.

We accept DVA white, gold and orange cards-Please make sure you check with DVA that you are covered for your appointments before making the appointment.

Cancellation within 24hrs or non-attendance of your confirmed appointment will result in a charge of 50% of your scheduled appointment fee which will need to be paid prior to rebooking.

Our fees are reviewed and updated annually based on AMA recommendation and CPI increases.


Our Specialist sees patients over the age of 16. Lung function tests are offered to any patient who is able to perform them, including children. Specialist consulting services are offered to the Mater and Hillcrest Hospitals, Rockhampton. Bronchoscopy and EBUS services are offered at the Mater Hospital, Rockhampton.


We understand that unexpected situations can make it hard to attend scheduled appointments. If this happens, the team at CQ Mind Matters will appreciate 24 hours’ notice so that we allocate the time to another patient on the waiting list. We will also help you to reschedule your appointment to a more convenient time. Unfortunately, the limited specialist time we have available in our local area means that you are likely to experience a delay before you are able to re-book. Please contact us on 07 4887 5123.

Cancellation within 24hrs or non-attendance of your confirmed appointment will result in a charge of 50% of your scheduled appointment fee which will need to be paid prior to rebooking.

We have a cancellation process and waitlist so we can offer urgent and emergency appointments when available to patients on the waiting list.

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